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14th Annual Laugh Yourself Blue Gala

On Thursday, May 8, 2025, Firefly Autism will host its 14th annual signature fundraising gala, Laugh Yourself Blue in the Seawell Ballroom at the Denver Center for Performing Arts! Named one of Denver's top charitable events by The Denver Post, this unique event harnesses laughter’s equalizing power to raise critical awareness and support for autism, the fastest-growing developmental disorder, globally, and to provide an unparalleled fundraising platform for Firefly Autism. Firefly Autism is Colorado's leading organization for holistic, wraparound autism services. Since 2003, Firefly has helped thousands of individuals, families, and communities by combining the science of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) with trauma-informed care and person-centered planning to create individualized programs that align with our learner’s values. At Firefly, we value our learners for who they are and seek to equip them with the skills and tools they need to navigate their world.

The evening promises to be enriching and hilarious, as comedian, Dr. Sam Shay, will take the stage. In addition, the night will kick off with a beautiful social and networking hour followed by a seated dinner whereby you’ll learn more about the tremendous impact of Firefly’s work.

The success of our Laugh Yourself Blue gala ensures that Firefly can continue providing life-changing services to our communities, as well as expanding services to underserved families across the country.

Meet Our Co-Chairs 

This year, we are thrilled to announce our incredible Laugh Yourself Blue co-chairs: Randy and Jessen Perko, and Aaron and Sandee LaPedis.

Randy and Jessen are successful business owners in Denver with ownership in Morning Story restaurants, Jessen is a partner at the law firm Ruddy Gregory PLLC and Randy is the founder of SC Insurance Advisors. Aaron is a best-selling author of The Garage Sale Millionaire and an award-winning author of the neurodiverse book series A Boy Named Penguin. Aaron and Sandee are the founders of Fascination St. Fine Art.

Click HERE for more information on Laugh Yourself Blue and sponsorship opportunities!


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