More than a Client, More than a Student
We celebrate our Learners

Our vision is a world where individuals on the autism spectrum, their families, and communities have access to the support and solutions needed to maximize learning potential and individual success.
Firefly’s founder, Diane Osaki, built Firefly through her passion to create an organization where children on the spectrum can learn and have all their needs supported. This year now marks Firefly Autism’s 20th anniversary of providing a place for many children AND adults in Colorado with the ability to have their academic, physical, speech, occupational therapy and behavioral learning and training in one place.
Firefly’s CEO, Dr. Amanda Kelly, says, “Firefly is such a unique organization. We are not a school, yet we help with educational goals and objectives; our learners are more than students. We provide highly individualized, personal, and holistic programs and services for all; our learners are more than clients. We also cater to individuals from 18 months through their lives. All individuals are learning throughout their lives – it is what makes humans so unique and special. Firefly believes in the value that continued learning has for all!”
Firefly is for everyone, working with learners from 18 months to over 70-years of age. We would love to connect you with the supports and services you and your loved ones have been looking for.